Thursday, December 22, 2011



I used to have this image of The Earth pinned to my vest collar and now it's GONE!!!!

...lost and into the abyss, never to be found again.

For a while, I was very, very sad.
I loooovved that button pinned to my blue vest.

But later, after I had time to think,
I realized The World had been lifted from my shoulders,
And I felt immediate relief.

Who's pinned and perched there, watching out for me now?
An Owl.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's like you knew me

It's like you knew me.
Then one day, all of a sudden, you decided it was a new me.
And all that you thought you knew of me you had never really known.

You said you thought you knew me.
But you know that "ugly ass sweater" you think feels itchy and brand new?
To me, it's the softest and warmest piece of clothing I've ever known.
As if it has been passed down from generation to generation, to rightfully land in my very hands.

It's like you drew me.
Selected me at random out of a magician's hat.
Sketched the likes of me out on the back of a Waffle House receipt with the mechanical pencil you keep in your pearl snap shirt pocket.
The front side inked with our worth. Bottomless coffee prices and endless eggie wegs.
You smudged me in with bacon grease and Aunt Jemima.
A color combination of times as hard as dirt, with smells as sweet as syrup.

It's like you threw me.
Used me and used me and used me.
Fed me to the wolves, who chewed me up.
Took a couple of bites, even though they weren't hungry.
Decided I tasted as sweet and as pure as a slice of apple pie. Then swallowed me whole.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Giving Thanks to Ashtanga

A spark. Then light. A fresh breath of air.

A baby flame is given the glowing gift of life.

It is nourished by leaves and feeds on a breeze.

The growing flame glows to brilliant red and orange.

Its reaching roots glow deep blue.

Birthed through lightening from the skies, water begins to fall, deciding when to end the aged flame’s life.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Color Wheel of Life

Red dirt, thick as clay, embedded in my nails
And the blues of my eyes are clouded gray with tears

Water colored golden leaves change their minds to orange
Only to fall to the ground, to change their minds to brown

And my branches are brittle because you drank the last drop
And my branches are brittle because you drank the last drop

But the earth is still mud beneath my toes
The earth is still mud between my toes

Then all of a sudden, the ground starts to harden
My legs firmly planted like trunks of a tree

Tiny birds gather and hover and wonder about my limbs
Full of life, full of love, but incased in thick black bark
Incased in thick black bark

Friday, November 18, 2011

Love Story #None

It’s only a matter of time

until the love you love, loves you no more.

It’s one of the oldest stories to be passed down,

as if all griots carried the same dominant heartbreak gene.